Govinda III Rashtrakuta, a true pan-Indian Emperor:
Govinda III took over from Dhruva but had to defeat his elder brother on the way. He subjugated South India and is even said to have invaded Sri Lanka. He defeated the Gurjara Pratihara King Nagabhatta II and Pala King Dharampala. He is said to have captured Kannauj and areas in modern-day UP like Banaras as well as Gujarat. A true pan-Indian emperor, his empire stretched from icy Himalayan rivers to the tip of South India in Malabar; from eastern modern-day UP to Gujarat. He has not been written about and recognized as a pan-Indian emperor who ruled a territory to riva that of Guptas, Mauryas and Mughals. ( picture - B. Lewis Rice (Benjamin Lewis Rice, 1837-1927) - Epigraphia Carnatica: Inscriptions in the Shimoga)
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