Chandragupta Maurya’s victory over Seleucus Nicator
Seleucus Nicator, a Greek General, after some years of Alexander’s death, took over his eastern empire from Turkey to the borders of India. Meantime a Mauryan empire under Chandragupta had advanced into the Punjab and upto Indus river. Seleucus tried to regain Indian territory beyond Indus back for the Greeks. There in all likelihood seems to have been a conflict between Chandragupta and Seleucus around 304 BC. There are no accounts of the battle but the subsequent peace treaty is heavily in favour of Chandragupta, strongly suggesting an Indian victory over Greeks. Seleucus ceded the provinces of what are today Baluchistan, Kandahar and Kabul areas to the Mauryas. The river Kabul or Kubha became the boundary of India under Mauryas, even beyond the Indus. A daughter of Seleucus is said to have married Chandragupta who in turn gave Seleucus 500 war elephants as a gift.
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